Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation question 1

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation question 3

evaluation question 4

The audience for my magazine is a particularly male audience, the magazine is aimed at a mainly male readership, around 75%, I try to reflect this audience throughout my magazine, with especially the look of my artist that I have photographed. I think it’s important that I have kept quite a select audience as although it is the artists in the magazine which should be influencing the people who buy it in some cases the audience can influence the magazine as it needs to be as up to date as possible. By keeping a select audience if they influence the magazine it will be influenced positively and help the magazine into the future. My audience is a quite up to date ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ style target, they would be passionate about music and listen to it because they enjoy it not because they are following any sort of crowd. The is not any set rules or path my audience should follow, they should all be quite individual characters who will dress in quite an alternative way, but are happy about how they dress and who they are.

Evaluation question 5

There is quite a broad age bracket for my magazine but apart from this there is quite an individual target audience which I have been trying to attract. The ‘indie scenesters’ are groups of people who always want to be ahead of the times, they are a head of what is ‘up to date’ carrying an alternative look and attitude around with them. My magazine concentrates on 100% British music which means that a lot of small and un recognised bands will be covered, it is the small bands that my target audience love, although they are passionate about the music that the larger band such as kasabian will be playing they love to support smaller bands that play because they love their music and not playing to generate a huge audience or commercial empire. The indie scenesters crave the adrenaline of seeing their favourite bands in tiny venues pumped up with a fast atmosphere. Although being a scenester is about individuality, there is certain trends that are followed, and I have tried to use these trends in my magazine to make my artists fit in to the genre so the audience would instantly be drawn in by them. My lead man is wearing skinny jeans which are worn religiously by the scenesters, he is also wearing a pair of vans which are a trend largely followed by the scenesters. Using the similar trend I hope to have achieved a look that will lure in my target audience easily, by just the look of the cover.

Evaluation question 6

Evaluation question 7

Final Blogpost

This will be my final blog post, i have now completed my magazine's research and planning, the production of my magazine and the evaluation of my final product. Thank You.

Final Magazine

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lesson Evaluation

This lesson i have worked on the images for my double page spread. i had previously thoughrt i had chosen the right one, but i am now slightly indecisive as too which image i want to use, i have narrowed the choice down to three images and have been experimenting with them. I have worked on enhancing my images, aswell as the image on my fornt cover.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Lesson Evaluation

This lesson i have begun to create my front cover for my magazine after taking another selection of photos last night. I have started my front cover again from scratch and have cut out my new image and began to try and find the correct font for my title and for the main cover line being careful to make sure they are not to similar and wont clash.

Monday 27 February 2012

Lesson evaluation

This lesson, i have recieved my feedback from my mock up magazine. the feedback i have been given has helped me alot to alter the parts of my magazines which could be better. I have not actually edited my magazine on photoshop this lesson but i have been planning and thinking about how i can make my changes, i am also using new models and new images in my magazine which i have been planning out, and how i can make them most effective for my genre of music and magazine. I have also thought about adding much more to my contents page, giving the magazine a wider range of features and adding a variety of photos into the contents aswell.

Official feedback of mock up magazine

As Draft Feed Back Sheet George 12b

Monday 20 February 2012

Q5) How did you attract/Address your audience? (draft answer)

My audience is quite acute as it is, so attracting them does not take an outrageous  front cover but simply something clean and reaches out to the audience that love the music and will appreciate the magazine for what it is. The rock look I hope to achieve for my images should instantly appeal to my audience, although this may be quite idol thinking my audience is quite specific and it should work well, despite being an assumption of what my readership will like.

Q4) Who would be the audience for your media product? (draft answer)

The audience for my magazine is a particularly male audience, the magazine is aimed at a mainly male readership, around 75%, I try to reflect this audience throughout my magazine, with especially the look of my artist that I have photographed, they will come across as more rock and roll men, as opposed to ‘lads’ who fake tan and spend most of their time in the gym. These types of people however are welcome to buy the magazine but they are not the main audience that it is being aimed at! I have been quite selective about my audience which I feel is important! It really targets the people who truly love the music that is being offered within the magazine, especially with the chosen genre of indie rock, as it has come from very fine origins of garage bands and college students from America, and has now dominated the British music scene.

Q3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? (draft answer)

My magazine is very similar to Q magazine and I have also looked slightly into Rolling Stone Magazine, which Q mag was actually based around but as a British magazine, which is why it is useful for me. Q magazine is published by Bauer Media Group, which is the institution that would be suitable to publish and distribute my magazine. Bauer also own Kerrang t.v radio and the magazine itself, which is a magazine that has an almost similar genre to my music, although it is slightly heavier rock. This makes the is institution very suitable for distributing my magazine.

Q2) How does your media product represent particular social groups? (draft answer)

My artists are a male duo, that follows the same style as many British rock and indie rock groups but try and do it between the two of them as opposed to a group of 4 or more. The image on my front cover will be very simplistic and will not give too much away about any particular social group. However what I do want to give away from the front cover, is that it may appeal to a mainly male readership, and that it is indie rock music, but towards the rock end of the spectrum with bands like Kasabian, as opposed to more pop, indie rock bands like the Wombats.
The artist profile I have constructed fits in well with the article I have written for my double page spread, the 2 boys have both adopted a rock and roll attitude after leaving uni, and they don’t care for negative opinions, they simply laugh at them and more than likely swear back at them and get on with it! For my image that will be used on my double page spread I am trying to create an album cover style photo, that has both members of the duo in it! In my mock up double page spread both of my models are in it, although these are not my real models and are not dressed how I would like the overall image I am very happy with.
My contents page will show the features throughout the magazine, and will strongly appeal to fans of indie rock. Not just the music but also the look, the latest, the past, and everything about the music that I am capturing in my magazine, along with the overriding theme throughout that it is strictly British music and artists.

Q1) In what way does your media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (draft answers)

At first I looked at a lot of rolling stone magazines for inspiration, but I changed my views throughout the process and adjusted to looking at NME and Q magazine. The main convention I have taken from rolling stone is the use of mid shots on their front cover, it is a very effective image and makes a simple cover look, which is what I want. One convention of all three of the magazines that I have looked at however is some covers have cover lines, strap lines and banners, taking up the whole page, I have strongly looked away from this convention, I want a very clean looking cover that is not cluttered with text. I want a simple cover with a mid-shot a mast head and bare minimum cover lines, just enough to entice the reader. In my mock up cover, the clothing of my models is quite a Hip-Hop or R&B like, this is where the genre of my music and magazine does have a serious influence. My genre is indie rock and I want a quite alternative look about my artists, I plan to dress them in a quite masculine way which will appeal to the male readership but won’t make them come across as too metrosexual.

Front cover first draft

Double page spread 1st draft

Contents page first draft

Friday 3 February 2012

Mock up photos - Double Act


My artists are two males that both contribute to the music. these style photos are what i will try and encorporate into a album cover style picture, which will either be placed on my double page spread as the main image, or as a small picture in the contents page.

Mock up photos - On scene

These photos were at a different location to a plain wall or photo studio. They add another element to the photos and generates a whole new background image, it also adds a more natural look to the image and as if it isnt just to capture the model but what he is doing and what is around him.

Mock photos - Mid Shots




These are a range of Mid shots that i have taken, this is not my model but i am planning on using a mid shot, or close up of the models face for my front cover. I like these pictures as they have quite a simple look about them and i dont want to much 'clutter' on my cover, i want it to look clean and effective. The bottom right picture is my preffered photo, it catches the careless look of my models face and also has a large amount of background space, but the space is utilised by the model looking in that direction it adds an atmosphere that he is looking at something and will create thoughts for the audience.

Mock Up, Cover, Contents and Double Page Spread!

These are my mock ups of my what i hope my magazine will look like, i have hand drawn them and although they are quite rough drawings they do capture the sort of look i am going for. I am not great at hand drawing and some things are slightly out of proportion, on the front cover, the head and face of my model will be much bigger.

1st Draft of DPS article

Double Page Spread Article 1ST DRAFT!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Artist Profile

Making his way up from nowhere Danny Tee is making his mark on the indie rock scene, with the hopes of his small but thriving fan base held high, for the release his first album. After, dropping out of Bristol University weeks before his second year was due to begin, as he wanted to put everything into his music career. He has been playing guitar for his entire music career.
At Uni Danny met a drummer, who loved drumming as much as Danny loved singing and playing guitar, his new friend, Liam Thymes, provided a simple but strong enough beat for Danny to work with and they soon formed a two piece, although Danny Tee is the front man and still takes most of the glory, they named themselves The Villatorres.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Pitch Ideas-Double page spread

For my double page spread i am going to use a similar style to a double page spread i have already analysed (The vaccines). I will try and make the page split down the middle, with the image on one side and the text on the other side of the page. And i will write in coloumn form to keep the page looking clean and in line.
The other idea i may incorporate in my doube page spread is very similar to my first idea, but i will have the min image of the spread at the top part of the page and have the writing underneath. In this case i would still right in coloumns but i would think about writing about 4 coloumns to fit across the whole page, as opposed to only using 2 and leaving white space.

Monday 23 January 2012

Pitch Ideas-Contents page

Contents page:-
Following the anlyses i have done on contents pages, i plan to lay mine out using 2 main columns of text, which will be bordering around a main image that will take most of the attention of the page.
I would also use smaller text boxes around the image and, 1 small box within the corner of the image for anchorage of the image. I would like to achieve something similar to Q magazines contents page on the left of my post.

Pitch Ideas-Title

My ideas for the title of my magazine:-
- VOLITION (Meaning to choose, suggests there is no right or wrong to the music you listen to. connotations to the origins of indie rock that came from the u.s college radios in the 80's as gradually groups of students neglected the more mainstream music scene.)

- STRIVE (Meaning to work hard to achieve something, could reflect on the efforts that the current indie rock bands have been through to get where they are today, some have come from working class background and have simply succeeded with a mix of talent and determination. Also could act as a subliminary message that you can achieve such as these iconic bands by working hard.)

- ORIGIN (Used in the sense that something has risen from somewhere, and in relation to my magazine how indie rock has risen to be a huge part of the british music culture.)

-IRM (This has no connotations, it is simply an acronym for Indie Rock Magazine, i have used inspiration from NME magazine to possibly use this title)

Pitch Ideas-Colour Palette

Colour palette:-
The colour palette i am aiming to use is mainly monochrome (black and white) but i will also use red, to bring some colour to the cover to draw attention to it! Similar to this cover of rolling stone magazine! My magazine concentrates on purely british music, so i will also try to encorporate a blue white and red palette to match with the british 'Union Jack' flag.

I like this color palette as it creates a very clean image and makes the cover look like there isnt too much going on. The red shadowing to the writing also adds an extra dimension to it and gives it a bit more impact allong with the red box on the right of the page. 

Pitch Ideas-Possible Fonts

Possible Fonts

Animoto moodbaord, British indie rock

Target Audience

My target audience is very similar to that of my main influence, Q Mag. My age range is 16-25, this is my age range as it stretches, from the age when people first become more closely involves with music and ends at the age where people music tastes my change, to what is being produced from the generations below them. I am also targeting my magazine at a very male readership, similar to Q Mags 75% male readership, and also similar i am aiming at a working class target. Making the magazine effective and trying to sincerly infulence its readers. The typical reader, will be passionate about music, especially the sub genre of indie rock that i am covering, altough they will have a very good general knowledge of the music world. They will also be in the social group of 'trendies' or 'indie scenesters' the audience will have a very up to date fashion sense and not be afraid to wear what the want and make the own crowd instead of following a pre made group. The target readership, will not only be interested in music, but also in popular culture and current affairs within the entertainment industry.

Friday 20 January 2012

Magazine Inspiration

Q magazine is my main inspiration as it is a british magazine that provides news and views on popular music that is also current to date. It also has parts of the magazine which concentrate on popular culture, just as much as music. I like this idea as it adds an extra element to the magazine but also means it will appeal to a slightly wider audience. The magazine is targeted at a 75% male readership with 68% of there readership being a working class audience (Bauer media, audience profile). I want to keep the readership of my magazine quite similar to this, with a genre of indie rock but overall a british theme to the magazine. 

Tuesday 17 January 2012

17/01/2012 Target

Today i will try and finish my analyses of a front cover, contents and 2 page spread!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Magazine front covers inspiration

I like this front cover of WIRED because it has a very urban look about it. A very basic red cover that was very subtle and made a few simple points has been violated by the graffiti, that has been written across the middle. The word 'RIOT' is also suggesting that there will be quite a rough content throughout the magazine if you were too 'judge a book by its cover'. The word riot is  'hash tagged' this has connotations with the social media site Twitter, this gives us the idea that the magazine will be for a younger audience and appeal to people who regularly use the internet and social sites, like myself. 

I like this magazine cover as it has a very inspirational image of steve jobs on the front. Steve jobs Was the creator of 'Apple' and plays a part in my every day life because of it. The edited image of his face is also very modernised and i like the general style of it.
I like this front cover as it has three of my favourite actors on it, all of which play parts, in my opinion, some of the best action films around. The cover also has been made to look very 'cool' the three men stand looking carefree but we already have built an image of them as what they are like in their films.

This front cover of WIRED is very vibrant and this is why i like it. It instantly catches your eye because of the spectrum of colour used. I also think the bold title could draw attention aswell becaus people would want to see who is on the smart list.

This cover is quite amusing, the man sitting on a huge pile of money is just having a good time and putting on his cheesiest smile. There is also quite a retro look about the image which i like.
This cover is a very clean cover, it has a neutural coloured background which that also emphasises the bold tribute to andy warhol style art.
This cover is very simple, and i like the simplicity of it. The lips are bold and a vibrant red which adds some impact of the cover.
This cover is also very simple, it also has an era of uncertainty about it. You cans see the hair and upper body of the man but his face has been pixelated and it is as if something is being hidden. There is also a pin attached to some thread coming from the face which makes us wander what has happened to it.
I like this cover of rolling stones magazine becaus eit makes a very fetailed and interesting cover out of such a simple item of clothing. However the leather jacket is a great icon of 'Rock and Roll'! this cover was also a limited edition print and only 2500 copies were pribted, this adds to the exclusivity of the magazine.
I like this cover simply because of the contrast with the background of the cover and the main feature, of denzel washington in the foreground. He is dressed quite well yet is sitting in a rough run down looking room, which makes us question why he is there.

Monday 9 January 2012

Key Terms for Coursework

Masthead – The name and logo of the magazine.
The Lead – the introductory paragraph of an article. Usually written in bold or capitals.
Body copy - refers to the text of your written articles, which should be produced as a printed presentation to accepted industry standards, e.g. correct use of language, font size, word limits etc. Usually written in columns.
Serif font – fonts like Times New Roman, or Baskerville Old Face, which have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letters.
Sans serif font – fonts like Impact, or Agency FB, which do not have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letters.
Drop Capitals – Really big letter, which start off an article.
Cross Head – Small sub-heading used to split up a large block of text.
White Space – white parts of a page other than text or pictures.
Mode Of Address – How the magazine talks to the audience.
Sell Lines – Text on the cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience. Kerrang!’s sell line is “life is loud”.
Banners – text, which stands out because its on a coloured background.
House Style – a magazines distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.
Borders – the gaps at the edges of the page.
Gutters – the gaps between the columns of text.
Leading - the space between lines of text.
Kerning - the space between letters.
Strap Lines – a smaller headline, printed above the main headline.
By-lines - name of the person who wrote the article. Picture Credits - where did the photos come from, or who took them.
Anchorage – The way in which text helps to pin down the meaning of a picture and visa versa.