Monday 23 January 2012

Pitch Ideas-Title

My ideas for the title of my magazine:-
- VOLITION (Meaning to choose, suggests there is no right or wrong to the music you listen to. connotations to the origins of indie rock that came from the u.s college radios in the 80's as gradually groups of students neglected the more mainstream music scene.)

- STRIVE (Meaning to work hard to achieve something, could reflect on the efforts that the current indie rock bands have been through to get where they are today, some have come from working class background and have simply succeeded with a mix of talent and determination. Also could act as a subliminary message that you can achieve such as these iconic bands by working hard.)

- ORIGIN (Used in the sense that something has risen from somewhere, and in relation to my magazine how indie rock has risen to be a huge part of the british music culture.)

-IRM (This has no connotations, it is simply an acronym for Indie Rock Magazine, i have used inspiration from NME magazine to possibly use this title)

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